- 2006-11-23 Versión 1.04
- Custom events are now supported
- Version 1.03 was compiled with Java 6. AJAXForms returns to be compiled with Java 5.
- Fixed minor bug on submit.
- 2006-11-13 Versión 1.03
Feature request 1579075
Now properties are parametrized both on language and country. Properties for
more languages added: nb_NO, nn_NO and en_UK.
Patch 1587886 Translated into English the AJAXFormsResourcesTask's log msg
Bug 1592797 Fixed
- Several minor bugs fixed
- 2006-08-21 Versión 1.02
- Add debug option in AJAXFormsResourcesTask
- Add echo page to template
- Fixed xsd:integer bugs
and 1541185
- Fixed submission error when replace=all
- 2006-08-08 Versión 1.01
- Little bug fixed in XPath expressions
- Fixed template
- 2006-07-15 Versión 1.0
- 2006-05-10 Versión 1.0beta2
- Several bugs fixed
- Add ajx:tabs element
- Rename xforms:tree to ajx:tree
- 2006-05-05 Versión 1.0beta
- 2006-03-07 Versión 1.0alpha
- Fixed readonly property
- Fixed repeat refresh
- Fixed message in repeat refresh
- XPath optimized
- 2006-03-01 Versión 0.2
- Actions Load and Message fails when binding is null
- Fixed default value of validate attribute.
- Added powered logo.
- Fixed Select and Select1.
- Added DOMFocusIn and DOMFocusOut events
- xforms-focus and setfocus
- Timer, Start, Stop
- Dialog, Show, Hide
- Setproperty
- Confirm
- Synchronized
- And more..
- 2006-02-12 Versión 0.1